Electoral Collage

There are those who say that the electoral collage should be eliminated. The problems with that aren’t minor. For example, the populations of New York and California are over 2 million more than the lower 25 states populations, combined! To suggest that 2 states have more say in picking the president than the lower 25 is absurd! For those who want to abolish the EC, provide a buffer to prevent this, or at least, minimize it in a way similar to the EC.

We see this problem in many of our states. NYC, Philadelphia, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, and other mega-centers control all the rest of the state, leaving the smaller rural areas, unrepresented. Efforts to split states, create autonomous zones (thus, not needing Congress approval), and such, have very rarely been effective, with the “most recent” being West Virginia during the US Civil War.

Reasons to Keep the Electoral College – ThoughtCo

5 Reasons to Keep the Electoral College – Electoral Vote Map